The Indestructible Passport

All four Black Boxes were supposedly destroyed in the WTC disaster, and rendered unusable in spite of the fact that they are designed specifically for plane crashes which result in insurmountable conditions... yet one of the hijackers passports supposedly survives fire and heat of over 1,000 degrees fahrenheit and is found in perfect shape in the rubble around the WTC towers.

Al-Suqami's passport was found by a passerby, reportedly in the vicinty of Vesey Street, before the towers collapsed. Some news organizations have openly doubted this report, questioning the idea that his passport had escaped from the inferno relatively unsinged.

Investigative reporter Paul Sperry scooped the mainstream press by exposing a high-level, internal report from the Federal Aviation Administration. It detailed the alleged shooting of Flight 11 passenger Daniel Lewin by hijacker Satam Al Suqami.

What really happened on American Airlines Flight 11? Did a passport escape extreme temeratures which were capable of destroying black boxes? Did the hijacker in this passport have a gun on board? Was it planted before the flight took off, or was it smuggled on? Either way, shouldn't someone be held accountable if such an egregious security breach did in fact take place?

According to the document, which was later obtained by the Washington Post, USA Today, and others, an onboard flight attendant reported in a phone call that "one bullet was reported to have been fired" during the flight, killing Lewin before the plane crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center. FAA officials dismissed the leaked memo as a draft and claimed that the very specific report of gunfire - including the names of the victim, shooter, and their precise seat numbers - was an editing error.

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